同鄉會歡迎就讀十一年和十二年級的學生申請,申請人必須學業成績優良、品行端正、服務傑出,並且計畫繼續研習科技或人文等專業。申請人父母親必須有兩年的亞特蘭大台灣同鄉會會員資格(2016 & 2017). 申請人只能得獎一次,並且得獎人及父母親願意在得獎後親自出席參加頒獎典禮。
申請人除了要填寫申請表格之外,須附送一份高中的全部學校成績單、兩封推薦函:一封須來自被推薦人的正規學校指導教師,另一封來自課外活動導師,一份不超過3頁的短文自傳包括描述求學計畫,學業成就及參與社區活動的摘要、以及一份SAT, ACT or PSAT報告。申請表格及文件電子郵件請寄給會長羅佳田(Dan Lo, danlo@ieee.org),申請截止日期是2017年3月25日,過期恕不受理。
下載。如有疑問請聯絡會長羅佳田 (Dan Lo or danlo@ieee.org)
1. Sponsoring Organization
Atlanta Taiwanese Association of America (ATAA)
2. Objectives
ATAA will award three scholarships, $300 each, to outstanding high school students in fiscal year 2017. The objectives are to encourage outstanding youths to pursue advanced studies in science, humanity, engineering, medicine and business, foster leadership in professional career, and establish role models for young achievers. The award recognizes their achievements and promotes their credentials for applications to higher education institutes.
3. Eligibility and Review Criteria
The award accepts applicants from 11th and 12th grades, with outstanding academic and extracurricular achievements, excellent moral conduct, and extraordinary leadership and community service records. Applicants should have established plans for pursuing advanced study in science, humanities, engineering, medicine, and business. The applicant’s parents should be qualified members of ATAA in 2016 and 2017. The award should not be conferred to the same student more than once. The elected applicant and his/her parents should commit to attend the award ceremony at the Taiwanese American Heritage Week concert on May 24th, 2017.
4. Application Procedures
Complete a copy of the application form and provide a copy of full school transcript, two recommendation letters in a sealed envelop, an essay, and a copy of SAT, ACT, or PSAT Reports. Mail the application form along with all required documents to Dan Lo, ATAA President (danlo@ieee.org). The application deadline is March 25, 2017. Late application will not be processed.
5. Review Process and Award Ceremony
The ATAA Board of Directors will hold meeting to pre-review applicant’s qualifications and select members of a judging panel to consist of three to five prominent professionals. The ATAA Board of Directors, applicant parents, and recommenders should be excluded from serving as members of the judging panel. The elected winners will be announced by April 15, 2017. The award ceremony will be held at the Taiwanese American Heritage Week concert on May 24, 2017. The awarded recipients and his/her parents shall commit to attend the ceremony.
6. Application Form and Other Information
Application Form and related information can be downloaded here.
For additional information, please contact Dan Lo at danlo@ieeeo.org.