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Grandpa’s Attic 阿公的故鄉記憶



問:每個人? 或只是某一群人?





答:事實是,番薯簽吃起來非常平淡無味,一點都不好吃。貧苦人家會拿來曬乾保存,富有人家才能奢侈地吃新鮮地瓜。 中下階層家庭把曬乾的番薯簽配鹽巴煮食,吃上一整年。








R: What do you think symbolizes Taiwan the most?

G: I think that the sweet potato is very important. Not only because of the geographic shape of our country, but many people also ate sweet potato as their main food.

R: Everyone? Or was it a specific group of people?

G: Most of the Taiwanese population ate sweet potatoes although many who ate it were poor.

R: How would they eat it?

G: Many would take the sweet potatoes and shred them. They would take them outside to be dried by the sun. Don’t you think they would taste like chips?

R: I would think so.

G: Actually, they taste very plain and yucky. The poor would do this to preserve the sweet potatoes. The rich would eat raw sweet potatoes. Some lower class families would take the dried sweet potatoes, cook it, and eat it with salt. They would eat this the whole year.

R: I certainly would have lost my appetite!

G: I tried it once and did NOT like it at all. Another thing about the sweet potato is that it is very easy to grow, just like Taiwanese people! They don’t need much water and they can even grow in storms! There is a saying in Taiwan, it goes, “Taiwanese people are the sons of the sweet potato.”

R: Why would you think they say that?

G: For a couple of years, there has been a song called, “Please don’t dislike Taiwan”. One phrase/line is, “23 million sons of the sweet potato, please! Don’t dislike Taiwan! This song makes many Taiwanese people cry, because some Taiwanese people don’t call themselves Taiwanese.

R: How does this make you feel?

G: It makes me feel very sad to hear people say this. You know, Taiwanese people are very much like American people. Some American ancestors are from England, like Taiwanese people are from China. Although they are from England, they don’t call themselves British/English.

There is an ancient saying, “The sweet potato is not afraid to be buried in the ground, because it is a tough plant. It can grow in bad circumstances.” For the last 10-20 years, sweet potatoes have become expensive. It has become a nourishing food for the rich people. Just like the other Taiwanese products that have become popular in the world. Because of this, Taiwanese have become richer. I hope Taiwan will be admitted as an independent nation by every country in the world, just like Taiwanese products are accepted worldwide.



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